ILPRA has unveiled its newest traysealer live @ Interpack, the FoodPack FastBoard. This innovative model for flat board packaging is set to revolutionize the industry as it offers a fast and efficient way of sealing products. It allows flat board containing the product to be moved by simply placing them on a belt, without the need for jaws. The sealing mould, unlike the moulds used on the market, doesn’t need a lower part that moves upwards, but the sealing operation is done only through the upper bell that closes directly on the belt.
One of the key features of the FoodPack FastBoard is its unique design that eliminates the need for the lower part of the chamber: customers will simply place the boards on the belt, and the product will be sealed directly on it. This eliminates the need for additional parts and simplifies the packaging process.
Another feature that sets the FoodPack FastBoard apart is its adjustable upper chamber: users can set the starting height of the upper chamber to optimize the closing phase and reach maximum speed. This allows for even faster and more efficient sealing of products.
FoodPack FastBoard is ideal for companies looking to increase their productivity and reduce packaging costs. Its design eliminates the need for additional chamber parts, reducing maintenance costs and increasing overall efficiency. Additionally, the adjustable upper chamber allows for customized sealing heights, resulting in a more consistent and professional end product. This traysealer offers a reliable and innovative solution to packaging needs that are not only cost-efficient but also environmentally friendly.
This ILPRA model completely revolutionises the skin packaging concept of the conventional in-line tray sealer on the market today. High productivity, flexibility of use and cost reduction are the major strengths of this new technology, which respects ILPRA’s philosophy of uncompromising packaging quality.
visit our stand @ Interpack to discover this innovative technology: you will find us here: stand B37 Hall 5